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The Wheel of life for Goals

The last post talked about experimenting if you find that you’re not satisfied with the goal you’ve set for yourself. Hopefully that’s working for you.

Another way to approach identifying the goal you want to focus on is to look at The Wheel of Life.

The wheel has a number of segments each representing a different area of your life. If you’ve never completed one now is a good time. If you have done it, now is a good time to take another look.

The wheel is a way of determining the degree of satisfaction in your life. And, often doing this lets you know where you want to focus.

Usually the wheel has 8 segments.

Sometimes people find these categories to include too much and therefore they have difficulty assessing each one. In this post instead of using the wheel, there’s a list of categories which are more extensive and to which you can add your own categories if you feel the need.

Next to each identify your percentage of satisfaction at the present time.

Have fun.

List alternative to wheel of life:

Category Percent Satisfaction currently


Physical Environment………………………………………….

Personal Growth………………………………………………….



Physical Health……………………………………………………

Emotional Wellbeing……………………………………………

Fun and Recreation………………………………………………

Significant other/close friend……………………………….



Involvement in some organization……………………….

Overall Life Satisfaction……………………………………….

Optimism about the future…………………………………..

See you next time

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